Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan: Three brothers are killed in action during World War 2 and their mother is supposed to receive all three letters about her sons’ passing at the same time. Her only son left, Private James Ryan, is somewhere in Europe behind enemy line. Knowing that a safe return of Private James Ryan is essential, the government assigns Captain Miller and his son to find Private Ryan and bring him to safety. Captain Miller’s group of eight men must now find one man in the huge world war. Along the way they must fight Nazi troops and they lose beloved soldiers. Once they finally find Private Ryan he refuses to leave his men behind. His group had been assigned to protect one of the only bridges remaining so that American troops can continue to move by foot. Captain Miller and his men stay to help in the upcoming battle and prepare the area for German attack. Captain Miller takes responsibility over protecting Private Ryan. The small group of American soldiers protecting the bridge is outnumbered by the German soldiers; however American planes come in to save the day. Most of the men, including Captain Miller, are killed by the end. Private Ryan survives and returns home safely.

Day in the Life of a Soldier: A soldier in World War 2 underwent many traumatic experiences. They often had to deal with gruesome circumstances and had to be alert and ready to fight at all times. They had to be ready for all situations and know how to react to an attack. A soldier also witnessed many deaths and was around the dead bodies of soldiers often. Also, they were traveling a lot and preparing for combat.

Captain Miller: Captain Miller is in charge of the eight man squad told to find and return Private James Ryan. Captain Miller leads his squads to many victories throughout their journey. When faced with the decision of killing the German soldier, Captain Miller decides to spare his life and set the man free. He tells his squad that he is just an English Composition teacher in a small town in Pennsylvania. He also tells his men that the war has greatly changed him and his main goal is to find Private Ryan so he can return home to his family. Captain Miller focuses on protecting Private Ryan while at battle with the Germans and ends up losing his life. He tells Private Ryan to make his life count make it a life worth living.

If I were a soldier: If I was a soldier in the war I do not believe I would last very long. The soldiers in the war endured many terrible conditions and saw terrible things. I do not believe I would be able to cope with the situations they were in and the trauma they underwent. I would not be much help to my fellow soldiers. 

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