This cartoon shows the formation of alliances before and during the war. It shows how the domino effect of issues and friends backing up friends led to World War 1. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after the assassination of archduke Ferdinand. Germany began to mobilize and formed an alliance with Serbia. Germany then declared war on Russia. Many alliances began to form and war was inevitable. Imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and alliances were the causes of the Great War. With imperialism rivalries were formed and thus alliances were formed. Countries were most interested in nationalism and acting in their own self-interest. And lastly, countries were spending all of their resources on military.
The United States entered the war after a series of events. These events included the sinking of the Lusitania, the Sussex Pledge, German U-Boats, the Zimmerman Telegram, the cutting of the Transatlantic cable, the sinking of US ships, and the Russian Revolution which brought a new leader to Russia that the United States was able to get along with.